About Us

The HM team, Christmas 2023

At Harbinson Mulholland, we understand that the financial landscape is not one-size-fits-all. We recognise the diverse needs of our clients, whether they are rooted in our local community or reaching out to international horizons.

Local Expertise, Global Perspective.

For our local clients, we are deeply ingrained in the fabric of our community. We proudly support and partner with businesses in Northern Ireland, contributing to the growth of the regional economy. Our local expertise is not only a service but a dedication to the businesses that have made this region their home. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the local business environment, and we are here to help you navigate them.

We actively engage with the local business community through partnerships, sponsorships and collaborations. We are proud supporters of organisations like the NI Chamber of Commerce, Ulster University and Catalyst - working alongside them to foster economic development and innovation in Northern Ireland. By aligning ourselves with these key institutions, we contribute to the exchange of knowledge and ideas that drive progress in the region.

Unlocking Global Success, Tailoring Excellence.

Our commitment to delivering tailored solutions extends to businesses operating in the global market.

Whether you are an established local business eyeing international markets or an international enterprise looking to invest in new markets, we have the experience and resources to facilitate your journey. We provide the support and guidance you need to expand your operations, making your global vision a reality.

We are proud to be the sole BKR Member firm in Northern Ireland. With more than 500 offices worldwide, BKR offers a comprehensive range of services, combining the advantages of global reach with a commitment to personalised service and meaningful connections. This affiliation underscores our dedication to delivering superior client service not only locally but on a global scale.


Some Kind Words

Harbinson Mulholland are delighted to be partners of Family Business United, recognised champions of family businesses. FBU celebrate the contribution they make through employment, income generation, wealth creation and giving back to the communities in which they operate. They are an innovative community that publishes news, insight, research and articles and host in-person and online events throughout the year, amplifying the voice of the sector.

Paul Andrews, Family Business United

Ulster University’s partnership with Harbinson Mulholland has grown from strength to strength over the years, first as patrons of the SME Centre, then through the work of the NI Family Business Forum and subsequent ‘Homegrown’ campaigns.  We are proud of this relationship and have found Darren, Treena and the HM team to be authentic, genuine and passionate about what they do.  They are a joy to work with and experts in their field.

Dr Ian Smyth, Ulster Business School

Harbinson Mulholland have been long standing partners of Catalyst for a great number of years. Their support of Catalyst has been imperative in shaping the entrepreneurial landscape in Northern Ireland. Not only do HM provide advice and guidance on all accountancy challenges early stage businesses may face, they are also committed to providing opportunities to the next generation of innovators through our Generation Innovation programme and supporting scaling businesses through our Inbound Investors programme as well as long standing partners of the INVENT programme.

Joe Wilson, Catalyst

Your client base not only has a very high regard for the level of professional services they receive but also has a genuine affection for Harbinson Mulholland . Some firms achieve the former but very few combine it with the latter.

Bryan Keating, The CIP Partnership

The Harbinson Mulholland Team are dedicated to developing, understanding and sustaining by business. They provide me with sound, practical advice which really makes a difference to the ongoing success of my business.

James Leckey Design

Harbinson Mulholland have a real understanding of our family business and we really value our strong relationship. They appreciate that our time is precious and focus on the practicalities of getting things done without a fuss Martin Watt,

Fred J Malcolm Jewellers

By The Numbers
Leading Partners
Years In Business
Team Members